The Organ

Organ built by Orgues Létourneau Ltée
Saint- Hyacinthe, Québec
Opus 32, 1993, 2/29. Mechanical Action

The organ is used regularly in worship and is the only one of its kind in Manitoba. Resident and visiting organists alike continue to be delighted by the versatility and reliability of this exquisitely crafted instrument.
Stop List
Quintaton 16
Principal 8
Gedackt 8
Rohrflöte 4
Nazard 2 2/3
Blockflöte 2
Tierce 1 3/5
Mixture 1 1/3 IV
Trumpet (Dom Bédos) 8
Holzgedackt 8
Salicional 8
Voix Céleste (TC) 8
Principal 4
Koppelflöte 4
Octave 2
Sifflöte 1
Zimbel 2/3 III
Bassoon 16
Trumpet (Cavaillé-Coll) 8
Schalmei 4
Subbass 16
Principal 8
Gedackt 8
Octave 4
Mixture 2 2/3 IV
Posaune 16
Trumpet (Schnitger) 8
Clarion (Schnitger) 4
Couplers Compass
Swell to Great
Swell to Pedal
Great to Pedal
29 stops
36 ranks
1,828 pipes